Financial Myths

Ensuring your prosperity in the years to come using resources you have today.

ESG Funds Are Having a Moment – What It Means for the Modern Investor

CNBC recently published an article articulating the rise of investing in companies that rank highly on environmental, social and and governance (ESG) factors during the COVID-19 outbreak.Here is the link to the article.Interestingly enough, these funds were already experiencing big growth before the COVID-19 outbreak, with assets having doubled over the last two years.In the […]

MYTH : Trump’s Social Security Tax Holiday Will Help Employers and Their Employees

Well, this is a solid myth, that’s for sure.  Smart and ethical CPAs are recommending that their clients not just walk, but sprint away from the Memorandum Deferring Payroll Tax Obligation.  Let me preface this by declaring that I’m not an attorney and that all of this is my opinion.  But I can read and […]

Karl Marx, Jay-Z & SGI Funds have a lot in common

Usually the title of these posts IS a myth.  But believe this one is true.  Where did I come up with these seemingly completely unrelated topics?  Oddly, they were in the top 10 financial search words last month. Karl Marx Karl Marx Monument in Chemnitz First, what he was not.  Marx was neither Russan nor […]

The Power of Peace

There is a surplus of anger, desperation, futility, depression, fury and isolation in our country right now.  It’s the worst I remember, even during the Vietnam debacle.I’ve advocated- rather unpopularly -that peaceful resistance is the most powerful and effective response to the sources of these intense emotions.  Steeped in affluenza, racism, fascism, nationalism and all […]

6 Financial Steps You Should Consider NOW

Would you like to know why I’ve gotten zerofreaked-out calls or emails from my clients because of the coronavirus, political upheaval or [insert your own freak-out factor]?  It’s because we’ve already tested even worse scenarios (like the 2001-2003 recession) in their written retirement financial plans and they know they will be OK.  However, that doesn’t […]

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