Financial Myths

Ensuring your prosperity in the years to come using resources you have today.

IRS’s “Dirty Dozen Tax Scams for 2012”

Tax time is an extremely emotion-laden month, whether you get a refund or a bill.  Emotionality and rationality tend to be mutually exclusive, don’t they?  As a result, we risk becoming easy fodder for bad ideas and the scam artists who promote them.  To Preserve your Wealth, avoiding mistakes is more important than finding the […]

Myth: “Jobs Creation” will turn the economy around.

Sorry fellow Progressives, Liberals & Democrats. The sad truth is, Job Creation is a corporate shell game unwittingly adopted by many of us, designed to perpetuate the Conservative Nanny State. Job creation sounds really nice, is politically expedient, but unfortunately is just another iteration of the thoroughly debunked “trickle down” economic theory.  Feel like you’re […]

The Evil of Annuities.

The financial- and not so financial -media just love protecting their readers from  . . . look out!  Be careful!  Oh no!  ANNUITIES!!  Be very afraid!  Every article I’ve read (and I don’t use absolutes lightly) recommending against annuities commits one or more of these errors: Invalid comparisons.  For example, saying annuities have “high fees” […]

Avoiding Fraud in 2012

My favorite financial e-newsletter, Advisor One had an article last month about the rise in “Baby Boomer Investment Scams”.  The New Year seems like a good time to forward this to you and add a few things myself as well (Surprise!  I have an opinion!). In a hissy fit of exaggeration, though, AdvisorOne passes along […]

Myth: We Make Rational Financial Decisions

Very few aspects of our financial decision making are rational, if any (depending on the person!).  Despite history, despite having been burned over and over and over, I see the same patterns repeating and it actually is making me nauseous this time.  This isn’t out of self-righteousness or superiority; I’m as bad as anyone, if […]

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