Financial Myths

Ensuring your prosperity in the years to come using resources you have today.

Myth: ObamaCare

Otherwise known as “ObamaCare” by its detractors (who thereby reveal they have never read the act), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is one of the few bills excreted by Congress with congruence between its name and what it actually does.  The “ObamaCare” label is inaccurate because- after massive tinkering by the health care […]

Clients Prefer Financial Specialists- NOT

Financial services marketing powerhouse, Genworth Financial, conducted a recent survey- the LifeJacket Study -to assess what you and I think.  The numbers below surprised me . . . because they support what I’ve always believed:  most of us want a one-stop shop when it comes to financial services, and, many of us let things slide […]

Medicare, hooboy!

Don’t you love it when the Medicare Open enrollment period comes around every year?  I’m not even eligible yet but I’ve been getting all kinds of junk in the mail about which Medicare plan to buy.  And I hear that there is no lack of TV advertising.  (Oddly, the enrollment period was changed from 11/15-12/31 […]

Myth: More is better, or, Why I downsized.

Not that it’s that interesting but I recently made some big changes: I closed my office and moved it back into my home.   I got rid of pickup loads of stuff.  And then I sold my pickup.   I’m as vegetarian as I can be.  In his book Eating Animals  Jonathan Foer points out that since […]

MYTH: The Debt Ceiling is the most pressing issue facing Americans

Yes, despite all the hysteria in the media, the windbags in Congress and most people I talk to, the debt ceiling is much ado about nothing.  Congress and the President are playing a game of chicken to distract you from what you should really care about:  the greatest theft of wealth from you and me […]

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