Financial Myths

Ensuring your prosperity in the years to come using resources you have today.

Is the Sky Falling (Again)?

There’s a lot going on in the world right now. I thought this was going to be about the $3.5 trillion budget deal or what to do with any child tax credits that may be heading your way. But then global markets jolted on fears of new viral variants. Is the sky actually falling? Could […]
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It Is Reasonable To Expect 8-12% Market Returns Over The Next Ten Years

The title of this blog is indeed a solid myth. Before I project asset growth and income flow in Retirement Analyzer I have analyzed the client’s current portfolio and compared it to my recommended allocation.  To their disappointment, I routinely reduce the assumed rate of return (ROR) by half while keeping the same volatility.  So, for example, […]
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You Can’t Spend More Than 4% of Your Retirement Savings Without Going Broke

Yes you can!  Another easily disproved myth. In their study “Why Annuities Work Like a License to Spend”  David Blanchett and Michael Finke* conclude:. . .every $1 of assets converted to guaranteed income will result in twice the equivalent spending compared to money left invested in a portfolio. The size of the effect is large enough […]

Arbitration IS the Best Dispute Resolution Tool

The title of this blog post is, in my opinion, a solid myth.  Good proof of that are recent bills in Congress intending to end binding arbitration because, in general it is:  Unfair.  The process is heavily biased in the industry’s favor  Which is probably why the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) is against reforms.  […]

MYTH: Healthcare Will Be Your Biggest Retirement Expense

The truth of this blog heading depends, of course, on the health and wealth of the individual.  But it is still rarely true.  In the plans I’ve developed, Taxes usually exceed projected health care costs 3 to 1.  I think a lot of health care cost calculators are unjustifiably alarmist for the purpose of selling insurance.  […]

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