fiduciary financial adviser

All Financial Advisers Are Screened by State and Federal Regulators

I hope it isn’t getting too redundant for me to remind you gentle readers that the headings of these posts are MYTHs.  This one is no exception.  Sort of. Depending on who they work for and the kind of work they do, financial advisers are indeed somewhat screened by regulators.  After all, there are education, […]

All Financial Advisers Are Screened by State and Federal Regulators Read More »


This blog heading is colloquially true, especially when it comes to Investment Adviser contracts.  A recent review of compliance violations found- first of all- that 22% of advisers didn’t have contracts with their clients.  A contract isn’t required unless a fee of some kind is collected from or owed by a client.  So if you


Seven Steps for Making Identity Protection Routine

Ok, this is NOT a myth.  These steps come verbatum from the ever-helpful IRS. RS Security Awareness Tax Tip Number 3, December 7, 2015                                Español The theft of your identity, especially personal information such as your name, Social Security number, address and children’s names, can be traumatic and frustrating. In this online era, it’s important

Seven Steps for Making Identity Protection Routine Read More »

There is One Best Trick for Maximizing Social Security Benefits

Do you get a lot of emails with the words “trick”, “weird” “secret”, “epic” and so on to the ends of hyperbole & hubris?  I do.  So I remind you again that the title of this blog- like all my titles -is a big, fat MYTH.  There are two moving parts to Social Security benefit

There is One Best Trick for Maximizing Social Security Benefits Read More »

Myth- Fee-only advisers are always better. Part II

A client recently told me that his CPA was “suspicious” of investment advisers who also sell insurance and investments (in other words, me). I could understand that suspicion (that is, superstition) if the “product” were shampoo or pharmaceuticals, for example. But as my first post on this subject proved, the manner in which an adviser

Myth- Fee-only advisers are always better. Part II Read More »