Because it is excellent, I’ve cut and pasted from a fascinating- and chilling -article by Berit Anderson and Brett Horvath from If you wanted reasons to spend less time on line, well here you go. The full article is at This is a must read. Thanks Tom Civiletti for your post.
The upshot: political, social and economic propagandizers now have the capacity to customize their message to every single individual with an online presence. They can build a total experience for you, complete with a large group of fake friends, that is emotionally addicting and intellectually manipulative. They can construct a complete world just for you, solely for the purpose of contolling your decisions. Which doesn’t feel like control at all.
This is why I believe people who run face-to-face businesses like I do will never become extinct. In fact, now is our time. We must counteract this powerful, pervasive and unConstitutional manipulation of one another.
At Scout, we’ve been speaking with political strategists, technologists, and machine learning experts about how AI propaganda will spread through society in the near future. We want to work with you, the Scout community, to scenario plan what happens next. Here are some implications to get the conversation started.
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